On a mission: building a literate, connected, securely communicated society.

4 min readDec 21, 2020


It is time to pool ourselves into better futures, starting now.

As 2020 comes to an end, we wanted to share some final thoughts on our purpose, vision and mission.

Long-term policies / digitalization / AgroTech / PropTech / 5G / Green Deals / Fight for Standards / AdTech / Inclusive Capitalism / Resilience…

Where would you bet your first 2 cents to solve the most acclaimed question of all:

What sort of magic triumvirate, and with which characteristics, can allow us to rebuild our societies, achieve exponential growth and do it with our values at hand?

Well, we believe the answer might not be there where you’re looking for.

An answer to deliver for better, inclusive, resilient societies cannot sustain itself within separate islands of strategies or shiny name-dropping techniques: 2.3 billion for digitalization, or AgroTech, or Green Tech (what exactly? which companies / agencies / institutions? To better up what? Assessing which failures / deficiencies? Accounting for which bottlenecks? With which objectives? How would KPIs be measured? How will the relevant industries get involved in the proccess? At which stage?).

Has anyone answered all of the above for you to help you deliver?

Do you think governments, consultancies and agencies make it easy for you to comply with today’s expectations of growth, market-ready services delivered with careful values-based design, with values-based goals and purpose-oriented strategies?

They might not make that easy for you. And here’s why: not every of them envision what is needed, what is expected, what would you like to do with your business, which bottlenecks (regulatory, mediatic, administrative) would you have to sort out and offer a systematic approach to understand all of the above and execute it.

Most do not envision, they make room for echo-chambered ideas, solutions and strategies in a compartmentalized manner — often they recycle — often they override you in meaningless words.

It may not leave you with a sense of completion, of envisioning 2–3 scenarios where you can thrive, develop or co-develop market solutions, in consonance with the trends, but ahead of the game. And in consonance with the public interest.

Let us tell you:

XXIst century businesses will need to achieve exponential growth by articulating their individual & common interests within the higher public interest.

And this — imbricating your success within the higher public interest — is the key of the century.

No other high-revenue societal leap (whether physical, digital or in deep space) may be within just one company’s reach. Standards, regulations, needs for collaboration, incentives for trust will need to be sorted out. As well as grandeur ideas and strategies (Have you heard about the Solar System Internet?) need to be envisioned and earthed-down.

At Mission-Oriented, we believe answers, ideas, solutions, strategies — although not impecable in results — can be derived from first principles, systematization and true holistic, cross-bubble knowledge and intuition. Systems thinking that can be applied to deliver for

Vision¹: something seen / unusual discernment or foresight.

Vision can be trained, as it requires a holistic, systems approach to thinking where the past, the present and the future collide to empower your thinking.

Now, vision rest nowhere near extremely complex foresighting or data-driven statistic models. Vision rests within the visionaire: the individual who’s been trained for discernment. Models, and systematic ones, do help to prove and execute the vision.


That is what we strive to provide at Mission-Oriented. Co-envision strategies with you, where both companies and society win, developing solutions ahead of the game / outside of the echo-chamber, and helping you execute them.

Working to enable literate, connected, digitally secure societies

Given that our desire needs to match our experience, capabilities and our purpose, we have already chosen our path:

To help companies, governments and society to build literate, connected and digitally secure societies.

We do embrace present-time drivers of change (digital technologies and internet infrastructures / quantum technologies / space technologies) to enable future-time market solutions within the fields of connectivity and communications. And do so via grand strategies.

Values, purpose, wealth and wellness for most societies pend on the deployment of digitally-secured infrastructures and environments.

We strive to help you create value in that endeavour.

Within this venture, we cross paths with the likes of cross-sectoral innovation, pooled industrial efforts, regulation, competition and a need for trust — all of them characterize the future of connectivity and communications worldwide.

To help you deliver, we create, design (Vision-As-A-Service), deploy and implement strategies to enable mission-oriented public-private & pooled industrial strategies, putting your business value proposal at the core.

Our services include public affairs, public policy, public / private strategy, strategic intelligence, communications and brand positioning.

We couldn’t have started our first year better off: elevating “Smart” strategies to a national level, and starting regulation, standards and market-solution works in Quantum Communications and Solar System Nets through our founders and directors.

We wish to live up to our motto: to build literate, connected, digitally secure societies, up to their century’s challenges. And to do so hand in hand with you, public agencies, international organizations and governments alike.

It is time to pool ourselves into better futures, starting now.

Happy 2021.

About the author:

María Luque is Founder & CEO of Mission-Oriented. Co-lead Policy and Strategy for Spain’s Technology ecosystem’s Entrepreneurial bill, leading to the creation of Spain’s High Commission for the Entrepreneurial Nation, along with corresponding competences transferred to the State Department for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence. Has worked for pharma, technology (AI and digital platforms) high profile companies, both American and European. Has worked for main defence contractors within Europe.




Strategy, Public Affairs & Comms company based in UK & Spain. Building a literate, connected, securely communicated society: up to its century’s challenges.